Anthurium: home care, reproduction and transplantation

Anthurium: home care, reproduction and transplantation

They say that anthurium helps single people meet their soul mate, and already established couples - to strengthen feelings and find mutual understanding. In addition, this flower is completely unpretentious and blooms all year round, if you provide it with minimal care. Let's tell you more!

Features of planting anthurium

In order for anthurium, or, as it is also called, "male happiness", to please with its delightful flowering with bright red, orange or pink "raincoats", be sure to plant it in a suitable soil mixture.

There are several options! It can be a special soil for aroid plants, which is lightweight and excellent air permeability due to the addition of coarse sand and crushed charcoal. Anthurium also grows well in orchid soil, consisting of small pieces of tree bark, in which case even drainage is not needed.

Planting - Anthurium home care

Transplant requirements

Until "male happiness" reaches the age of five, transplant it annually into a pot that is slightly larger in volume than the previous one. Then you can transplant the plant every 3 years, while be sure to remove the damaged roots, plant new shoots. Do not forget to pour a layer of new coarse-fraction drainage, previously disinfected with boiling water, on the bottom of the pot (if you use a soil mixture) to protect the root system from decay.

Little trick: If you want anthurium to bloom profusely, then grow it in a pot that is a little cramped for its roots. If you want to get "kids", then transplant the plant into a spacious flowerpot, very soon you will see that young shoots have begun to appear.

Transplant - Anthurium home care

Watering and spraying anthurium

All types of anthurium love water. In this regard, it must be watered abundantly enough. As soon as you see that the topsoil has begun to dry out, the plant is well fields. In no case leave water in the saucer, otherwise the roots will begin to rot, drain the pan immediately after watering.

The soil mixture in the pot must not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the flower will stop growing, release new leaves and flowers, wilting and the development of diseases are possible. But excessive watering is deadly for anthurium, as well as a long period of drought.

"Man's happiness" does not tolerate dry air. Place a plant pot next to the aquarium or get a humidifier. You can also spray the air around the anthurium from a spray bottle. Try to prevent large droplets of water from falling on the leaves and flowers, after evaporation of moisture, whitish spots will remain on the surface of the bush, which is harmful to the plant itself, and its appearance will be spoiled. Pour warm boiled water into a spray bottle. The higher the air temperature in the apartment or in the house, the more often and diligently spray the space around the flower.

Watering and spraying - Anthurium home care

Dracaena: home care, reproduction and transplantation

Fertilizers and feeding of anthurium

Anthurium is an unpretentious plant and does not need frequent feeding. It is enough to water the flower in the spring-summer period twice a month with settled water, in which a half dose of fertilizer for aroid is dissolved. Also, "male happiness" responds well to foliar dressing, for this fertilizer is dissolved in water for spraying. The dosage is minimal.

In general, if you regularly transplant the plant, water it on time and sufficiently, then you can do without feeding at all. Focus on the appearance of the flower, if it grows quickly and blooms profusely, then fertilizers are absolutely useless for it.

Fertilizers and feeding - Anthurium home care

Location and lighting

Florist experts say that, although it tolerates shade well, anthurium should still be placed in a place well-lit by the sun's rays.In a heavily shaded place, "male happiness" will stop growing and shed flower stalks.

Direct rays for this plant are destructive, they will leave burns on the delicate juicy leaves. Ideal if you find a place for your green pet near a window facing east or west. The north and south windows do not fit at all.

If natural light in your home is not enough, then take care of artificial lighting. For example, buy a special phytolamp, it is inexpensive, and it consumes little electricity.

In the winter season, place the anthurium away from the heating system and from drafts. In the summer, take the flowerpot out to the balcony, fresh air and temperature drops between day and night will be very useful to him.

Location and lighting - Anthurium home care

Geranium: home care, reproduction and transplant

Indoor air temperature

Anthurium, provided there is sufficient watering and moisture, will perfectly tolerate even the hottest summer. But an excessive drop in air temperature may not survive. Try that the thermometer in the room where the flower is located does not drop below +16 degrees. Turn on the heater if necessary, but place it away from the plant. Reduce the frequency of watering to a minimum so that the sensitive root system does not freeze.

Ideal temperature conditions for indoor anthurium are from +18 to +25 degrees Celsius. In this case, "male happiness" will feel great, grow rapidly, and its flowering will be year-round.

Temperature - Anthurium home care

How to rejuvenate anthurium?

The specificity of the development of anthurium is such that as new leaves grow, the old lower leaves die off. As a result, a gnarled trunk is formed, covered with dried, dark remnants of the stems.

Of course, the decorative appearance of the flower is completely lost. But you should not be upset, cut off the top of the anthurium with a sharp knife, leaving several internodes, and plant it in a separate pot with fresh moistened soil for aroids. The flower will quickly root out and turn into a lush flowering bush. You can also root the tip in water, and then plant it in a pot with soil.

How to rejuvenate - Anthurium home care

How to grow an avocado from a seed at home

Anthurium breeding methods

Anthurium can be propagated in several ways. This may be the separation from the mother bush of a well-developed "baby". Plant the shoot with roots immediately in a separate small flowerpot. With good care, it will grow quickly.

Another method does not require a transplant and also gives excellent results. If you look closely at the plant, you will see that it takes root in the air. Carefully cut off the leaf, at the base of which there is such a root, with a sharp knife. Plant the cut off part of the anthurium in a pre-prepared pot with soil. Water and spray as usual!

As for the reproduction of anthurium by seeds, it is quite real, but still, at home, it is too complicated and rarely gives a positive result. In addition, the seeds often produce specimens more similar to wild forms of the plant, losing the decorative effect of the mother plant.

Reproduction methods - Anthurium home care


The juice of the leaves and stems of anthurium is poisonous, so all manipulations on pruning, transplanting and propagating the plant should be carried out with rubber gloves. Keep your indoor "male happiness" away from children and pets.

Anthurium home care

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