Indoor flowers: photos and names (catalog)

Indoor flowers: photos and names (catalog)

Plants in the house are beauty, lightness, freshness and undeniable benefits. But you need to correctly combine varieties and species so that they fit your conditions and meet expectations. To do this, we have compiled a catalog of beautiful and spectacular indoor flowers and divided them into categories with photos and names. Choose what you need!

The most unpretentious indoor flowers

A green corner is not necessarily a lot of new troubles and a waste of time. There are many very unpretentious colors that require your minimal involvement.

1. Ficus

At the head of unpretentious and versatile plants for the home is unconditionally ficus with all the variety of its varieties. There are also compact species up to 20 cm, and there are full-fledged trees that stretch for several meters.

Ficus - The most unpretentious indoor flowers

2. Aspidistra

The aspidistra became a regular guest in the offices precisely because of her unpretentiousness. Weekly watering is enough for decorative leaves and so that the temperature around does not fluctuate more than 3-5 degrees.

Aspidistra - The most unpretentious indoor flowers

3. Aloe

Healing aloe is widely used in pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and hundreds of folk recipes. On the windowsill, it is infinitely unpretentious, because the fleshy leaves store moisture and nutrients on their own.

Aloe - The most unpretentious indoor flowers

4. Aglaonema

Aglaonema is afraid of direct sunlight, so it is ideal for remote and shady corners. Decorative variegated species differ in color, up to rare red-pink ones.

Aglaonema - The most unpretentious indoor flowers

5. Fuchsia

A beautiful decorative fuchsia can be easily grown at home on a windowsill, especially since in winter it just loves coolness. In summer, the flower can be taken to the dacha and transplanted into a container.

Fuchsia - The most unpretentious indoor flowers

6. Asparagus

A beautiful and unusual asparagus with needle-like leaves requires periodic watering and an annual transplant. Otherwise, it does not need any special conditions and any lighting is suitable.

Asparagus - The most unpretentious indoor flowers

7. Balsam

Although balsam is called touchy, but a small bush is completely unpretentious to care for. Penumbra and abundant watering is enough for him, but he is completely indifferent to dry air.

Balsam - The most unpretentious indoor flowers

Curly indoor flowers

Luxurious ivy and vines beautifully braid walls, shelves or shelves. You can grow quite a lot of different varieties and species in the room!

1. Monstera

Monstera is prized for its quirky and large carved leaves. It grows rapidly and wraps around any support, attaching itself to it with thin aerial roots.

Monstera - Curly indoor flowers

2. Cissus

Ornamental cissus belongs to grapes and came to us from the islands. Special antennae are firmly attached to the support, and the flower grows throughout the year - without pronounced periods of rest.

Cissus - Curly indoor flowers

3. Tricolor morning glory

If the morning glory grows in the garden for only a year, then in the room it is a lush flowering perennial with bright petals. It has rather large and heavy leaves, so it must be carefully tied to a support.

Tricolor morning glory - Curly indoor flowers

4. Wax ivy Hoya

The plant got its name for its unusual flower umbrellas, as if covered with wax. In order for ivy to grow more beautifully, it must be periodically transplanted and tied up.

Hoya Wax Ivy - Curly indoor flowers

5. Stephanotis

A large liana reaches five meters in length and blooms with graceful fragrant flowers, for which it was also called Madagascar jasmine. The color of the different varieties ranges from delicate cream to pale lilac.

Stefanotis - Curly indoor flowers

6. Syngonium

The syngonium grows up to one and a half meters and clings tightly to the support. Among the whole variety of varieties, there are species with whitish, green or variegated leaves, which turn from pointed lobed with age.

Syngonium - Curly indoor flowers

7. Diplomas

Another curly flowering guest from the tropics with large buds up to 10 cm in diameter. Diplomatic property loves fresh air and open space, so in summer it can be taken out on a balcony or outside.

Diplomas - Curly indoor flowers

Indoor flowers that should be in every home

Drought tolerant indoor flowers

If you often leave, the houses are constantly too hot, and the windows face south - you need indoor flowers that are not afraid of short-term droughts. And there are such - we checked everything!

1. Zamioculcas

In the common people, this is the same money tree that is so often found in apartments and offices. It grows quickly and looks good thanks to its firm, shiny leaves.

Zamioculcas - Drought-resistant indoor flowers

2. Kalanchoe Blossfeld

The flower pleases not only with dark waxy leaves, but also with a beautiful dense flowering, even with almost no moisture. Following the old buds, new ones immediately appear.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld - Drought tolerant indoor flowers

3. Sansevieria

An unusual decorative flower resembles succulents and cacti, because in the same way it does not need complicated care. Sansevieria is also called "pike tail" for its tall and elongated erect leaves.

Sansevieria - Indoor drought tolerant flowers

4. Fern centipede

Most ferns need high humidity, but the centipede is an exception. It reproduces by elongated processes covered with brown hairs that resemble a centipede.

Fern Centipede - Indoor Drought-Resistant Flowers

5. Scindapsus

The amazing creeping flower is an unusual tropical guest that tolerates a dry atmosphere. He is also not afraid of overflows, so a rare, but very abundant watering is enough.

Scindapsus - Indoor drought tolerant flowers

6. Pelargonium

Of the densely flowering plants, one of the most unpretentious to dryness is pelargonium. It blooms in large umbrella-shaped inflorescences that rise in lush caps over velvety leaf plates.

Pelargonium - Indoor drought tolerant flowers

7. Indoor ivy

Unlike most climbing plants, indoor ivy does not require spraying or excess moisture. A healthy temperature regime is enough for him - and he can grow even in the far corner of the room.

Indoor ivy - Indoor drought tolerant flowers

Asparagus (60 photos): types and features of care

Indoor flowers blooming all year round

If you want your home flower garden to be pleasing throughout the year, this can be organized! Decorative ever-flowering varieties are exactly what you need!

1. Abutilon

The beautiful abutilone is called indoor maple for its characteristic leaf shape. If you continue to feed and take care of lighting at the end of the season, it will bloom in winter.

Abutilon - Indoor flowers blooming all year round

2. Begonia

Begonia blooms all year round if the temperature around it is above +16 degrees and there is enough light for it. Feed the flower every two weeks and place it around a container of water to humidify the air.

Begonia - Indoor flowers blooming all year round

3. Hibiscus

The beautiful evergreen hibiscus was nicknamed the Chinese rose for its beauty and grace. He is quite picky about care and can shed all the buds with a lack of moisture.

Hibiscus - Indoor flowers blooming all year round

4. Anthurium

Anthurium has good not only flowers, but also large glossy leaves that resemble hearts. The plant requires moisture, spraying, fertilizing and heat - from +15 degrees.

Anthurium - Indoor flowers blooming all year round

5. Geranium

Unpretentious geraniums feel great on windowsills under any conditions. They do not even need a very high temperature - +8 degrees is enough, but regular inflows of fresh air are required.

Geranium - Indoor flowers blooming all year round

6. Coleria

Coleria attracts attention with the unusual shape of bell flowers. It is undemanding to lighting and watering, but it needs high humidity.

Coleria - Indoor flowers blooming all year round

7. Balsam

In winter, balsam continues to bloom even under ordinary artificial lighting, for which flower growers appreciate it. But he does not tolerate crowding, so it is better to rearrange the flowerpots away from neighbors.

Balsam - Indoor flowers blooming all year round

Indoor flowers for the bathroom

A green corner in the bathroom is a real dream, because it contributes to pleasant relaxation after a hard day. Not all plants will survive such conditions, but we have found several options!

1. Dracaena Sander

For the special shape of the shoots, Sander's dracaena is called indoor bamboo. She looks wonderful solo in pots and glass vases of water. Keep in mind that she needs more space, because she grows quickly.

Dracaena Sandera - Indoor flowers for the bathroom

2. Orchid

There is a stereotype that orchids are prohibitively capricious, but several of their varieties will perfectly fit into the bathroom. These are phalaenopsis and pafiopedilum, which are sufficiently high in humidity and soft diffused light.

Orchid - Indoor flowers for the bathroom

3. Philodendron

This is an ampelous indoor plant that requires much more moisture than light. He needs constantly moist soil and more space - very soon you will get a whole green wall.

Philodendron - Indoor flowers for the bathroom

4. Calathea

Large decorative leaves of calathea feel perfect even at 90% humidity. They need warmth without sudden temperature changes and enough short glimpses of the sun.

Calathea - Indoor flowers for the bathroom

5. Nephrolepis

Sublime Nephrolepis is one of the fern species that is not afraid of moisture and loves to be sprayed regularly. But he needs sunlight, so if there is no window in the bathroom, he will have to periodically take out the flowerpot.

Nephrolepis - Indoor flowers for the bathroom

6. Chlorophytum

Delicate and graceful chlorophytum is one of the most unpretentious indoor flowers. He loves more moisture, which is enough in the bathroom, and can live and grow in the shade.

Chlorophytum - Indoor flowers for the bathroom

Bulbous indoor flowers: photos, names and descriptions (catalog)

Indoor flowers for children

If there are small children at home, safety comes to the fore, because kids learn the world tactilely, by smell and taste. We chose several plants that will be completely harmless to the precious child!

1. Lemon tree

Lemon is lightness, freshness and purity, and its leaves contain beneficial essential oils. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect, and also a subtle pleasant aroma.

Lemon tree - Indoor flowers for children

2. Violet

Unpretentious violets create a feeling of warmth and comfort in the room, which is so valuable for children. Flowers and leaves are completely safe, because sometimes the petals are even used to decorate dishes in cooking.

Violet - Indoor flowers for children

3. Tradescantia

The flower is not only unpretentious, but also completely harmless, even if the child tastes it. Bright two-colored leaves adorn the interior and delight with interesting colors.

Tradescantia - Indoor flowers for children

4. Cypress

The fancy cypress tree attracts children with its unusual shape and texture. It has natural antiseptic properties, so that it destroys bacteria and fungi around it.

Cypress - Indoor flowers for children

5. Peperomia

The leaves of peperomia contain medicinal phytoncides that heal the air. This is a good choice if the child is often sick and needs to strengthen his immune system.

Peperomia - Indoor flowers for children

6. Decembrist

For many years, an ornamental plant with unusual segmented leaf shoots has been found in apartments. Children are attracted by the bizarre shape and bright, colorful flowering.

Decembrist - Indoor flowers for children

7. Spathiphyllum

Of the unusual and flowering plants for a nursery, spathiphyllum is best suited. It also cleans the air, maintains healthy humidity in the room and does not need complex maintenance.

Spathiphyllum - Indoor flowers for children

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