Permanent eyebrow makeup: what is it (before and after photos)

Permanent eyebrow makeup: what is it (before and after photos)

Nature has not endowed everyone with luxurious sable eyebrows, which are now in vogue. If you do not like their shape, density or color, but do not want to constantly waste time on staining, there is a way out! Previously, permanent eyebrow makeup was not very successful, but now everything has changed. Let's talk about the features of the procedure!

What is permanent makeup

The principle of a permanent resembles a tattoo - the pigment is clogged under the skin. But, unlike a tattoo, the paint remains only in the upper layers. Therefore, the result looks natural, and the discomfort is minimal. Except that over time it gradually brightens and a correction will be needed. But if one day you want to change something, you will not have to painfully remove the paint for years.

What is permanent eyebrow makeup

How long does permanent eyebrow makeup last?

There is no single standard for all cases, because the technique of execution, skin type, paint, care, and the presence of correction affect. On average, this is 1-2 years, although for some it even reaches 5 years. Dark shades fade more strongly than light shades, the hair technique lasts longer than the powdery one, and on oily skin the pigment fades faster.

How long does permanent eyebrow makeup last?

What happens to your eyebrows

With permanent make-up, the needle penetrates only under the surface layers of the skin. The hair follicles are much deeper, so they will not be damaged in any way. Also, before the procedure, you do not need to shave off your eyebrows - on the contrary, they help to build a suitable shape and choose a shade.

What Happens To Your Eyebrows - Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

How to choose eyebrow color

To make the result look as natural as possible, you need to choose a shade for your hair color and color type in general. For example, blondes are recommended to use light brown tones a couple of shades darker than their own. Light-skinned brunettes - chocolate scale, and dark-skinned - dark brown and black shades.

Owners of light brown and ash hair are better suited to gray and gray-brown colors. Red - muted terracotta or chestnut, and ladies with noble gray hair - gray and brown. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of pigments that can be combined and mixed, so this is not a problem!

How to Match the Color - Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

Permanent lip makeup: what is it (before and after photos)

Choosing the shape of the eyebrows

The shape is always selected individually, taking into account the natural look of the eyebrows and the outline of the face as a whole. Conventionally, all options can be divided into four categories - straight, curved, rounded and kinked. They can be low, medium or high for the location of the arch.

Keep in mind that permanent makeup greatly affects the expression on your face. For example, eyebrows that are too lowered make the look heavy, and overly raised - forever surprised. If you wear glasses, be sure to come to the master wearing them to take into account the specifics of the frame.

Eyebrow Shape Selection - Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

Permanent eyebrow makeup techniques

For a long time, no one has been making those terrifying graphic threads that the unfortunate owners then adjust for years. Let's talk about modern techniques!

Hair technique

The master draws the eyebrows literally along the hair with thin strokes, so that from a distance they cannot be distinguished from real hair. Looks more natural if you use several adjacent colors in the same scale and change the direction of the strokes. This is a great way for those who have their own eyebrows that are too faded or sparse.

Hair Technique - Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

Powder technique

It is a soft and delicate shading that leaves a slight haze as a result. Eyebrows become more expressive, but not too bright - like for daytime makeup. For work, a spray is used, and the shades are layered like a gradient. This is the most atraumatic technique that causes almost no discomfort during the procedure.

Powder technique - Permanent eyebrow makeup

Combined technique

To make the eyebrows look as effective as possible, the masters combine hair and powder techniques. The process uses several shades for smooth transitions.You can also adjust the color density of the contour.

Combined technique - Permanent eyebrow makeup


Technically, this is a slightly different procedure, but the essence is the same - injecting the pigment under the skin. The master manually makes small cuts-scratches with fine strokes and fills them with pigment. When the skin recovers, microblading looks very natural.

Microblading - Techniques for Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

Stages of permanent eyebrow makeup

The process only seems scary, but in fact it is quite simple. Give up alcohol, solarium and sunbathing in advance. First, the master cleanses the skin, shapes the arch and applies anesthesia if desired. After marking and choosing a shade, a machine with a small needle injects the pigment.

Stages of permanent eyebrow makeup

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Eyebrow care

The expert will give recommendations, taking into account your skin type and the depth of the pigment. Basically, you can't wash your face for the first couple of days, and chlorhexidine and cotton swabs are used for cleaning. You cannot rub or wipe anything, take a hot bath, go to the sauna or the beach.

Healing and emollient ointments can be applied so that the crusts do not dry out too much and disappear faster. On hot days, be sure to protect your eyebrows in the sun. Do not smear the sunblock on them, but use glasses and a hat.

Eyebrow Care - Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

How eyebrows heal

Swelling, irritation and redness almost disappear within a day, except for those with too sensitive skin. After another day, the shade becomes darker and brighter. After a couple of days, dry crusts form that cannot be ripped off and touched. They have to get off on their own - it takes 5-7 days.

After that, the makeup shade will lighten, because it will be overgrown with a new stratum corneum. The final result can be assessed in a few weeks. After about 1.5 months, a correction is prescribed as needed.

How Eyebrows Heal - Permanent Eyebrow Makeup

Is eyebrow tattoo correction necessary?

The first correction is carried out after the procedure in order to correct minor defects, to correct the shape and the final shade. At the same time, the master will assess how the healing went. The following corrections are made as the pigment fade, on average, once every 1.5 years. They are usually faster, easier, and cheaper than the first procedure.

Do I need a correction - Permanent eyebrow makeup

Eye and eyelid tattoo: all about the procedure (before and after photos)

Can permanent eyebrow makeup be removed?

If the procedure was unsuccessful or for some other reason you want to get rid of the permanent, there are two ways. Long - wait for the paint to fade naturally and make corrections. Faster - laser removal, but keep in mind that a series of unpleasant procedures will be required, which can also take a year.

Is it possible to remove permanent eyebrow makeup

Contraindications to eyebrow tattooing

No one is immune from individual sensitivity or intolerance. To determine if you have allergies or problems with the skin's perception of pigment, a small test is done.

Also, there are standard contraindications for any tattoo - acute inflammation, poor blood clotting, malignant formations, a tendency to form keloids, viruses, fungi, epilepsy. It is not recommended to get a tattoo during pregnancy, during breastfeeding or at the beginning of the cycle. We advise you to consult with your doctor in advance!

Contraindications - Permanent eyebrow makeup

Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos

To help you finally decide if you want to make your eyebrows, and understand how it looks in real life, we have collected a large selection of before and after photos!

Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos
Permanent eyebrow makeup - before and after photos

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