Top 20 smallest dogs in the world

Top 20 smallest dogs in the world

Tiny dogs are a salvation for residents of big cities. They are comfortable in the apartment, they can be taken with them almost anywhere, and the issue of moving is much easier to solve. Thinking about which breed to pay attention to? Then, especially for you, we have compiled the top 20 smallest dogs in the world!

20. Pekingese

Average height and weight: 23 cm / 6.4 kg.

The ancient decorative breed is more than two thousand years old. Once only representatives of noble families could afford miniature Pekingese, so the kid's temper remained royal.

Pekingese - The smallest dogs in the world

19. Affenpinscher

Average height and weight: 30 cm / 6 kg.

The old variety of pinschers is distinguished by a rather large spread in weight - from 3 to 6 kg. Even adult dogs resemble puppies with an adorable muzzle.

Affenpinscher - The smallest dogs in the world

18. Coton de Tulear

Average height and weight: 28 cm / 6 kg.

The Madagascar breed is becoming more and more popular in our latitudes, because it is very obedient and easily gets along with other animals. Elegant miniature dogs weigh from 3.5 to 6 kg.

Coton de Tulear - The smallest dogs in the world

17. Chinese Crested Dog

Average height and weight: 33 cm / 5.4 kg.

This breed would definitely be in the top of the most recognizable dogs in the world. They are very sociable and ready to stay with the owner for days, attracting the attention of everyone around with their outstanding appearance.

Chinese Crested Dog - The smallest dogs in the world

16. Miniature Pinscher

Average height and weight: 32 cm / 5 kg.

Although the breed was bred for a different purpose, but outwardly it almost does not differ from the Doberman, just in miniature. With its modest size, the dog is strong, hardy, with a toned muscular body.

Miniature Pinscher - The smallest dogs in the world

Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

15. Rabbit dachshund

Average height and weight: 16 cm / 5 kg.

Rabbit is the smallest of all dachshunds and with the lowest average height: from 12 to 16 cm. They were bred specifically to catch prey in rabbit holes.

Rabbit Dachshund - The smallest dogs in the world

14. Papillon

Average height and weight: 28 cm / 4.5 kg.

The adorable and decorative eared ears are an old breed of small dogs dating back to the sixteenth century. According to the standard, 4.5 kg is the maximum weight, but there are individuals and a little more than 2 kg.

Papillon - The smallest dogs in the world

13. Australian Silky Terrier

Average height and weight: 26 cm / 4.5 kg.

The main feature of the breed is its long coat, which really resembles silk. Despite its modest size, the Australian Terrier is an excellent hunter.

Australian Silky Terrier - The smallest dogs in the world

12. Brussels griffin

Average height and weight: 25 cm / 4.5 kg.

The eccentric griffin has a funny expression on its face and a good-natured disposition. Sometimes there are very small dogs, up to 18 cm in height.

Brussels Griffin - The smallest dogs in the world

11. Bolognese

Average height and weight: 30 cm / 4 kg.

A funny Italian lapdog resembles a plush toy both externally and with its affectionate character. Sometimes there are smaller individuals - about 2.5 kg.

Bolognese - The smallest dogs in the world

Top 20 largest dogs in the world

10. Toy poodle

Average height and weight: 28 cm / 4 kg.

Not everyone knows, but even the poodle has its own tiny toy version weighing just over 3 kg. Like their large relatives, they are very elegant, calm, balanced and intelligent.

Toy Poodle - The smallest dogs in the world

9. Maltese

Average height and weight: 28 cm / 4 kg.

The Maltese lapdog is on average slightly smaller than its Italian sister. It seems that at least half of the weight is a luxurious thick wool of a snow-white shade.

Maltese - The smallest dogs in the world

8. Toy fox terrier

Average height and weight: 28 cm / 4 kg.

A tiny version of the large fox terrier is almost indistinguishable from it in appearance. Small individuals can be even lighter - only 1.5-2 kg, but at the same time they are very active and playful.

Toy Fox Terrier - The smallest dogs in the world

7. Japanese Chin

Average height and weight: 27 cm / 4 kg.

The favorite of the Japanese and Chinese emperors resembles a small, cheerful lion because of its characteristic "mane". For their size, Chins have a very long, thick and voluminous coat.

Japanese Chin - The smallest dogs in the world

6. English Toy Terrier

Average height and weight: 30cm / 3.6kg.

The graceful toyi are the undisputed leaders of this top, because they were originally bred as a small copy of large breeds. But the character of this kid is surprisingly combative, so he requires serious training.

English Toy Terrier - The smallest dogs in the world

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Average height and weight: 28 cm / 3.5 kg.

It seems that most of the Pomeranian is its plush coat. It is surprising that in real life babies evolved from tall sled dogs.

Pomeranian - The smallest dogs in the world

4. Yorkshire Terrier

Average height and weight: 23 cm / 3.2 kg.

Miniature Yorkies cannot weigh more by the breed standard. The smallest dog in history was York Sylvia, weighing only 113 g, although she only lived for 2 years.

Yorkshire Terrier - The smallest dogs in the world

3. Russian toy

Average height and weight: 28 cm / 3 kg.

In Russia, two varieties of the tiny breed were bred - smooth-haired and long-haired. For the Russian Toy, 3 kg is the limit, because the weight of adult dogs starts from 1.5 kg.

Russian Toy - The smallest dogs in the world

2. Prague rat-boy

Average height and weight: 23 cm / 3 kg.

The rat-rats almost got ahead of the Chihuahua, and only because the smallest individuals are still slightly larger. The ideal weight for the breed is considered to be 2.5-2.7 kg.

Prague Ratman - The smallest dogs in the world

1. Chihuahua

Average height and weight: 23 cm / 3 kg.

These Chinese babies are considered to be the smallest dog breed in the world, as individual individuals can weigh an astonishing 0.5-1 kg. The smallest living chihuahua now weighs 675 g and her name is Boo Boo.

Chihuahua - The smallest dogs in the world

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