Fighting dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

Fighting dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

A chill runs down your back when you meet a mighty fighting dog in the park? Do not trust the yellow press - they are not bloodthirsty monsters at all. These are real four-legged knights - kind, courageous and selflessly devoted to their family. We will tell you about the 20 most powerful fighting dog breeds in the world - the names with the photo are attached!

1. American Bulldog (ambul)

Ambul is much stronger and healthier than its English counterpart. He is able to cope with a bull alone, and in a calm atmosphere turns into a sweet and good-natured bumpkin. With the right upbringing, the protective qualities of the breed find expression in the touching care of the owners and their children.

American Bulldog Ambul - Fighting Dog Breeds

2. American Pit Bull Terrier

The name of the breed comes from the word pit - pit for dog fighting. Pitbull is a born athlete with the soul of an eternal puppy and the temperament of a champion, lively and cheerful at home, but merciless in the ring. When keeping in an apartment, it is important to direct the dog's unrestrained energy in the right direction.

American Pit Bull Terrier - Fighting Dog Breeds

3. American Staffordshire Terrier (amstaff)

A tireless athlete, a brilliant intellectual and a good-natured merry fellow - such an impression is made by a well-mannered Amstaff. Staffordshire Terriers are easy to train and do their best to please the owner. Sometimes it seems like a dog is reading minds! But the motivation should only be positive - violence and rudeness spoil the character of the animal.

American Staffordshire Terrier, Amstaff - Fighting dog breeds

4. English Mastiff

Despite the frightening appearance, these dogs are completely gentle and calm. There is little that the English mastiff can throw off balance, but in a dangerous situation he will not be confused and will rebuff the offender.

English Mastiff - Fighting Dog Breeds

5. Dogo Argentino

The ancestors of the Argentine Great Danes accompanied the Spanish conquistadors on military campaigns. The snow-white hidalgo has not lost its aristocratic dignity even today - the dog rarely gives voice and attacks silently. Great Danes are unshakably self-confident and even stubborn, but at the same time they adore their owners and need attention, affection and encouragement.

Dogo Argentino - Fighting Dog Breeds

Small dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

6. Dogue de Bordeaux (French mastiff)

One of the oldest guard breeds in Europe, it comes from the Kingdom of Aquitaine. In the Middle Ages, these dogs guarded butcher shops and fought bulls for the amusement of the public. When cruel fun was banned, affectionate and playful Bordeaux became companions and friends of the family, but did not lose their protective qualities. The dog relentlessly follows the owner and is always ready to defend him.

Dogue de Bordeaux French Mastiff - Fighting Dog Breeds

7. Bullipit (American Bully)

The youngest fighting breed, which made itself known at the end of the last century. In the character of a dog-bodybuilder, the sporting passion of a pit bull and the affection of a bull terrier are successfully combined. A stocky stocky dog ​​with a big brave heart is endowed with heroic strength, but it is extremely difficult to provoke him to aggression. The dog's self-control deserves admiration - for the sake of its beloved owner, the bullipit will endure everything!

Bullipit, American Bully - Fighting Dog Breeds

8. Bullmastiff

In 17-18 century England, bullmastiffs hunted down poachers in the lands of the lords. Great flair and watchful qualities of the breed are highly valued in the police and the army, and at home it is just a reliable friend and companion in games. The fight for leadership is not in the nature of a bullmastiff, but he has his own opinion about everything in the world, which he stubbornly defends. You can only convince a dog with patience, not brute force!

Bullmastiff - Fighting Dog Breeds

9. Bull Terrier

Small, but daring - that's the whole bull terrier! A small, but well-knit dog shows miracles of courage, endurance and perseverance, and a powerful grip allows it to overcome even an opponent of superior strength. In a peaceful life, the Bull Terrier is an energetic, quick-witted and cheerful companion who seeks to participate in all family affairs.

Bull Terrier - Fighting Dog Breeds

10. Spanish Mastiff

Even among the huge molossians, the Spanish Mastiff looks like a hero - males weigh 120-130 kilograms.The dog is fully aware of its power and does not stoop to petty squabbles, but will not let the owner be offended. With strangers, the Spanish Mastiff is strict and cold, in the family circle - cheerful and playful. And also impregnable giants adore children and forgive little naughty little mischievous people absolutely everything!

Spanish Mastiff - Fighting Dog Breeds

Medium breeds of dogs: names and photos (catalog)

11. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The formidable appearance of a huge Caucasian Shepherd Dog matches the harsh incorruptible disposition. Excellent guarding qualities make this dog breed a faithful protector of the family and home, but its location must be fought for.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog - Fighting Dog Breeds

12. Ca de bou (Mallorca Bulldog)

The old fighting dog breed came to Spain from the Balearic Islands. In the old days, the ca de bou, along with the bullfighters, participated in the bullfight, and nowadays they delight the owners with cheerful pranks and a light sunny character. At the same time, the Mallorca bulldog has not lost its protective qualities - the dog will easily pull up the bully and drive the uninvited guest out of the yard without showing excessive aggression.

Ca de bou, Majorcan Bulldog - Fighting Dog Breeds

13. Cane Corso

Restrained and unperturbed in appearance, at close acquaintance, the dogs of the Cane Corso breed amaze with their tender affection for the owner. They are wary of outsiders, but do not show unmotivated aggression. With proper training, the Cane Corso will make an excellent bodyguard. The dog is easy to train, calculates risks well and acts decisively and with lightning speed in the event of a real threat.

Cane Corso - Fighting Dog Breeds

14. Neapolitan Mastiff

Due to its impressive size and many folds on the face, the Neapolitan Mastiff seems to be an eerie descendant from hell. In ancient Rome, the ancestors of the formidable Neapolitans participated in gladiatorial battles and military campaigns. Millennia of selection have balanced the protective instinct and rage towards the enemy with strong nerves and docile nature of the breed. In the family circle, these phlegmatic giants are kind, affectionate and generous.

Neapolitan Mastiff - Fighting Dog Breeds

15. Central Asia Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Alabai is the national pride of Turkmenistan and one of the oldest breeds in the world. In dog fights, the strongest and most persistent fighters were selected, who would not be afraid of either a wolf or a bear. There are legends about the nobility of the breed: the Turkmens assure that in the ring Alabai does not finish off a defeated opponent. The dog will protect the owner to the last drop of blood, but will not tolerate rudeness and injustice.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog, Alabai - Fighting Dog Breeds

The most beautiful dog breeds: names and photos (catalog)

16. Presa Canario (Dogo Canary)

The brutal handsome Canary Dog is the embodiment of strength and dignity. A sensitive guard will not make a fuss over a trifle and attack the first comer - the breed is famous for endurance and prudence. At the same time, alertness does not prevent Presa Canario from enjoying life: dogs love to play with their owners and are not averse to fooling around with children.

Presa Canario, Great Dane - Fighting Dog Breeds

17. Rottweiler

An elegant athlete, a zealous bodyguard and a shirt-guy with an open heart - the multifaceted character of the Rottweiler never ceases to amaze. Of all the fighting breeds, perhaps the Rottweiler is the most human-oriented - it is a dog of one owner, ready to follow him into fire and water.

Rottweiler - Fighting Dog Breeds

18. Tibetan Mastiff

The dog resembles a lion in appearance and keeps the same regal, without bothering the owners in vain. The phlegmatic and independent mountaineer does not like fuss and prefers to solve problems on his own, without waiting for a command. A person must first prove his right to order - not by force, but by conviction!

Tibetan Mastiff - Fighting Dog Breeds

19. Tosa Inu (Tosa Token, Japanese Mastiff)

The only fighting dog breed from Japan fights using the sumo technique - it does not tear or crush the enemy, but delicately lays him on his shoulder blades. The animal keeps itself with a truly Japanese composure - even in the heat of a duel, it will not make a sound. With the owner, the four-legged samurai is courteous, courteous and restrained, but avoids violent outpourings of feelings.

Tosa Inu, Tosa Token, Japanese Mastiff - Fighting Dog Breeds

20. Fila brasileiro

In a number of countries, the fila is outlawed or equated with melee weapons, but the aggressiveness of the breed is greatly exaggerated and is most often associated with improper upbringing and insufficient socialization.In experienced and responsible hands, Fila is a faithful guardian of the hearth and a favorite of children.

Fila Brasileiro - Fighting Dog Breeds

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