How to cook chicken chakhokhbili: 10 best recipes

How to cook chicken chakhokhbili: 10 best recipes

Chakhokhbili is a classic Georgian chicken dish, with or without various vegetables. It is very tasty, quite light, and also easy to prepare. We've put together 10 great recipes for you, so pick the one you like best!

1. Georgian chicken chakhokhbili

Georgian chicken chakhokhbili

We recommend taking a whole chicken and cutting it into portions.

You will need: 1.5 kg of chicken, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons each. vegetable and butter, garlic, 150 ml of dry red wine, 200 g of tomato sauce, 1 tsp each. suneli hops, basil and parsley, hot peppers, paprika, salt and sugar.

Preparation: Cut the onion into half rings, and the garlic into slices, and fry them in a mixture of two oils, and then put in a bowl. In the same place, fry the chicken pieces from all sides until golden brown.

Put the onion and garlic back to the chicken, sprinkle with all the spices and pour in the wine and tomato sauce. Cover the pan with a lid and mascara over low heat for about half an hour.

2. Chakhokhbili from chicken with tomatoes

Chicken chakhokhbili with tomatoes

Fresh tomatoes instead of sauce or pasta are much better for chakhokhbili!

You will need: 1.2 kg of chicken, 3 tomatoes, 2 onions, 1 bunch of cilantro, 1 hot pepper, garlic and spices.

Preparation: Cut the chicken into chunks and fry until a beautiful golden brown. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel, cut into cubes and add to the chicken. Carcasses all together for 10 minutes.

Chop the onion coarsely, fry it separately and add it to the chicken as well. Continue simmering for half an hour over low heat, covered. At the very end, add spices, chopped herbs and crushed garlic, and simmer for another 5 minutes.

3. Chakhokhbili from chicken with vegetables

Chicken chakhokhbili with vegetables

It is much more convenient to cook chakhokhbili immediately with vegetables, because you can do without a side dish.

You will need: 1 kg of chicken, 1 kg of tomatoes, 300 g of pepper, 300 g of green beans, 1 head of garlic, 1 bunch of cilantro, spices.

Preparation: Cut the chicken into pieces and lightly fry until golden brown. Chop the tomatoes and peppers, and add all the vegetables and beans to the meat. Simmer for 20-30 minutes, covered over low heat. Finally, add spices, garlic and herbs, and simmer for another 5-6 minutes.

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4. Chakhokhbili from chicken with eggplant

Chakhokhbili from chicken with eggplant

Eggplants are a frequent guest of any Georgian recipes!

You will need: 300 g chicken, 1 eggplant, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 onion, 250 ml of tomato juice, spices, garlic, herbs.

Preparation: Cut the eggplant into quarters of the rings, finely chop the onion and coarsely chop the chicken. Lightly fry the chicken so that it grabs, place the eggplant and carcass on top for 10 minutes.

Add garlic, onion, sugar and all the spices to the pan, stir and cook for another 5 minutes. Pour in the tomato juice, boil, reduce heat and continue simmering under the lid until the meat is cooked.

5. Chakhokhbili from chicken and potatoes

Chakhokhbili from chicken and potatoes

Probably the most satisfying and thorough recipe in our collection.

You will need: 1 kg of chicken, 5 onions, 2 tomatoes, 4 potatoes, 1.5 tbsp each. butter and vegetable oil, paprika, coriander, fenugreek, suneli hops, other spices, cilantro.

Preparation: Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes and boil in water until tender. Peel the tomatoes and chop them in a blender. Fry the chicken pieces from all sides, and during this time, cut the onion into thick half rings.

Reduce the heat and simmer the chicken under the lid for 15 minutes, during which time fry the onions separately. Add spices and tomatoes to it, mix well and simmer the sauce for another 10-15 minutes. Pour the sauce over the chicken, stir and cook over medium heat. At the end, add potatoes, herbs and a little water as needed, and heat everything together for 5-7 minutes.

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6. Chakhokhbili from chicken with mushrooms

Chakhokhbili from chicken with mushrooms

Not quite classic, but very mouth-watering variation!

You will need: 900 g chicken, 3 onions, 200 g champignons, 4 tablespoons. tomato paste, 500 ml of water.

Preparation: Cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces and fry on all sides over high heat.Chop the onion coarsely and fry it separately, and at the end add the chopped mushrooms to it.

Pour the onion with mushrooms in tomato paste with water, mix well, and put the chicken here. Add spices to taste, reduce heat and mascaras over minimum heat for 30-40 minutes.

7. Chakhokhbili from chicken with nuts

Chakhokhbili from chicken with nuts

A handful of walnuts will make chakhokhbili even richer in taste.

You will need: 1 kg of chicken, 500 g of tomatoes in their own juice, 4 red onions, 4 cloves of garlic, 0.5 bunch of parsley, spices, adjika, herbs, 100 g of walnuts, 1 hot pepper, 200 ml of water, vegetable oil.

Preparation: Cut the chicken into large pieces and fry until golden brown. Separately chop and stew the onions, add tomatoes and adjika to it, and simmer for another 4 minutes.

Combine all the spices, blended nuts and minced garlic. Add the spicy mass to the tomato sauce, hot pepper there, and after a couple of minutes - chicken and water. Cover and carcass until chicken is done.

8. Chicken chakhokhbili in the oven

Chicken chakhokhbili in the oven

The dish is best prepared in a cast-iron cauldron or clay pot!

You will need: 700 g chicken, 2 onions, 500 g tomatoes, 1 chili pepper, 5 cloves of garlic, herbs, spices.

Preparation: Chop the tomatoes in a blender or grate them. Chop the onion coarsely, chop the garlic and chili, and divide the chicken into portions.

Lightly fry the chicken on all sides, and add the onion at the end. Put the meat in a mold, sprinkle with spices, add garlic and chili, and then fill everything with grated tomatoes. Bake at 200 degrees for half an hour under the lid, and then sprinkle with herbs.

How to cook chicken chicken: 10 simple and delicious recipes

9. Chicken chakhokhbili in a slow cooker

Chicken chakhokhbili in a slow cooker

We will tell you how and in what sequence to cook chakhokhbili with vegetables in a slow cooker!

You will need: 500 g chicken, 3 tomatoes, 1 pepper, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 2 cloves of garlic, herbs, oil and spices.

Preparation: Coarsely chop the chicken, chop the tomatoes in a blender and grate the carrots. Chop the onion and pepper into half rings, and finely chop the garlic.

Fry the chicken in a slow cooker for 10 minutes with the lid open, stirring constantly. After 5 minutes add the onion and carrots, and after another 2-3 minutes add the pepper. Add spices and chopped tomatoes to the dish and cook on the stew mode for half an hour. Sprinkle with herbs at the end.

10. Chicken chakhokhbili in the microwave

Chicken chakhokhbili in the microwave

It sounds amazing, but even so, a classic Georgian dish will be great!

You will need: 1.2 kg of chicken, 2 onions, 500 g of tomatoes in their own juice, 3 cloves of garlic, a pinch of hot pepper, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, herbs, spices.

Preparation: Place the chopped onion and oil in the dish and cook for 10 minutes at maximum power. Add chicken to the onion and microwave covered for another 10 minutes.

Pour tomatoes over the chicken, sprinkle with spices and send back again for 10 minutes. Reduce the power to medium or low and cook, covered, for 20 minutes until the end. Then mix and return back for another 5 minutes.

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