Indoor rose (80 photos): types and features of care

Indoor rose (80 photos): types and features of care

A spectacular and bright indoor rose is in no way inferior to its garden relatives. She is also rightfully considered the queen of flowers among the shelves and window sills. You can assemble a whole home garden in an apartment from different varieties, and never repeat it. And the best interior decoration is hard to find!

general information

Indoor roses differ from street ones in miniature - bushes grow 15-20 cm, rarely up to 45. Flowers are also smaller, but the shape remains the same, classic pink. You can pick up creeping rocks or form a small tree with lanceolate or carved leaves. Any low-growing garden varieties or special hybrids can be easily grown in apartments.

General information - Indoor rose

Types of indoor roses

Breeders annually bring out more and more groups of indoor roses. They differ in bud shape and color, including variegated multicolor varieties. There are varieties completely odorless and even without thorns - very convenient for a bedroom or nursery.

Roses Prima Ballerina

A small bush densely covered with large double flowers of a bright pink hue. Prima Ballerina can be grown in the garden, but she can be too capricious for outdoor conditions. But at home just right!

Roses Prima Ballerina - Types of indoor roses

Floribunda roses

Large-flowered varieties are notable for racemose inflorescences, atypical for indoor roses. In one such inflorescence there will be several large buds at once, which look almost like ready-made bouquets.

Floribunda Roses - Types of Indoor Roses

Polyanthus roses

Polyanthus varieties have relatively small flowers - up to 4 cm, but they can be either ordinary or densely doubled. Such indoor roses exude a faint pleasant aroma and bloom for about six months.

Polyanthus roses - Types of indoor roses

Roses patio

This is a separate category of selection varieties based on Floribunda roses, especially for planting in apartments. Among them there are smooth and spiky, fragrant and odorless, regular and fringed. There are also unique yellow, green, orange colors - for example, Clementine, Orange Jewel, Hummingbird or Curlers.

Patio Roses - Types of Indoor Roses

Rose Cordana

German indoor roses resemble hybrid tea varieties. They are resistant to diseases and pests, unpretentious, with large solid colors of bright shades - from red to lavender or yellow.

Rose Cordana - Types of indoor roses

Rose Green Ice (Green Ice)

Many other white-greenish hybrids originated from this variety in the early seventies. The most interesting thing is that their unopened buds are pink. Flowers are collected in large inflorescences up to five pieces, and such roses are also resistant to spotting and powdery mildew.

Rose Green Ice Green Ice - Types of indoor roses

Indoor roses Party

Tiny ornamental bushes up to 14 cm are used in interior decor and for table decoration. For such a modest size, they have rather large buds. Between events, miniature roses feel great on the windowsill.

Indoor roses Party

Indoor roses Pagode

These are ampelous varieties with long dropping shoots up to 60 cm. They are densely covered with large flowers, resistant to diseases and fungi, and also have an unusual, as if apple aroma.

Indoor roses Pagode

Indoor roses Stars and Stripes

The bizarre variety is interesting for its striped petals - almost all new striped hybrids have gone from it. As you might guess, it was brought out in America, in the seventies. In indoor conditions, such roses can bloom continuously.

Indoor roses Stars and Stripes

Tradescantia (60 photos): types and features of care

Room rose care

In fact, this is a rather unpretentious flower that can be grown even completely by accident, if you leave the bouquet in water for a long time. The specificity of caring for indoor roses does not differ from any others.


Although indoor rose loves warmth, from autumn to spring it is better to leave it at temperatures up to 15 degrees. So in the new season it will bloom even brighter and more magnificently. If you maintain year-round flowering, you cannot put flowerpots near radiators and heating devices, and in the summer, take them out to the terrace or open balcony.

Temperature - Caring for indoor roses


Indoor rose loves light, so it often withers away on the table away from windows. But on the windowsill it feels great, but at the height of summer, closer to noon, take care of partial shade from blinds or tulle.

Lighting - Caring for indoor roses


When the rose is actively growing and blooming, the ground should be slightly damp all the time, but during the rest period, reduce watering. Indoor roses love sprays and showers, but use warm water. Do not overuse water treatments during flowering, because wet petals are no longer so beautiful.

Watering - Caring for indoor roses

The soil

A special medium for roses is ideal, but first let it sit warm so that it is at room temperature. Indoor roses love rather dense soil, so a good drainage system is needed so that water does not stagnate.

Soil - Caring for indoor roses

Fertilizers and feeding

From early spring, use a balanced complex supplement for flowering plants. The first time you need more nitrogen, so that after wintering the rose will grow green mass. Use phosphorus and potassium for the budding period and until the end of flowering.

Fertilizers and fertilizing - Caring for indoor roses

Transplant and reproduction

Transplant an adult home rose only when necessary, no more than once every two years. Use the transshipment method, replace the flowerpot with a larger one, fill the drainage and add new soil. Tap the pot well so that no cavities or voids remain in the substrate.

For propagation with a sharp pruner, cut cuttings from an adult rose at an angle. Choose healthy twigs with 2-3 buds and a couple of leaves. Let them stand a little in boiled water with crushed coal and a root former. After a couple of weeks, small roots will appear - and the cuttings can be planted in flowerpots.

Transplant and reproduction - Caring for indoor roses


Like a garden rose, a room rose can be shaped and made into a neat compact bush. To do this, cut off all protruding shoots in early spring. Be sure to remove branches that grow inward, and old dried up shoots, because the buds appear only on young and healthy ones.

Pruning - Caring for indoor roses

Kalanchoe (60 photos): types and features of care

Pest and disease control

If strange spots appear on the leaves of a room rose, it is most likely a fungus. Its spread is facilitated by high humidity, lack of fresh air, heavy soil and too thick crown. Remove all damaged fragments as soon as possible and treat the rose with fungicides.

White bloom on the leaves is a sure sign of powdery mildew, because of which the flower can completely die. If the rose is damaged too much, it is better to cut it to the base, leaving about 5 cm of shoots. But bumps and dents are a symptom of bacterial cancer, and, unfortunately, it is almost untreated.

When breeding roses, it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of a spider mite. Young buds are affected by the rosacea sawfly and cut aphids. Use insecticides, garlic, or yarrow as a spray.

Pest and Disease Control - Indoor Rose

Dracaena (70 photos): types and features of care

Indoor rose - photo

A variety of shapes, shades, sizes and even the flowering period make indoor roses the number one flower in interior design. Just look how many there are, and how good they are!

Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo
Indoor rose - photo

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