Top 10 tallest people in the world

Top 10 tallest people in the world

Do you think giants exist only in stories and legends? And if we say that all this time they have been living among us? They walk along the same streets, dine in the same cafes and watch the same films. Only in real life, their incredible growth gives them a lot of trouble. We have compiled the top 10 tallest people in the world, and we want to tell you a little about them!

10.Sultan Kesen (2.51 m)

A simple Turkish farmer is the tallest man alive today. The Sultan was born into an ordinary family and was completely ordinary as a child. But then hormonal abnormalities happened, but the doctors were able to defeat the pituitary tumor. Now 37, he is happily married, but still needs crutches.

Sultan Kesen - The tallest people in the world

9.Veyno Müllirinne (2.51 m)

For a long time, the growth of the Finnish giant was kept at around 2.2 m, and did not cause him serious inconvenience. Wayno even served in the army and went to the front. Unfortunately, during his life he continued to grow further, and reached 2.51 m by the age of 40. Wayno died at 54.

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8. Vikas Appal (2.51 m)

The tallest man in India, like Sultan Kesen, suffered from a tumor. But he was much less fortunate. At the age of 21, doctors tried to operate on a young man, but failed, and Vikas died.

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7. Edouard Beaupre (2.52 m)

Although up to 8 years old, the Canadian boy Edward was completely normal, but by the age of 11 his height exceeded 2 m.In addition, the young man was a real strongman, so he traveled half of the world as part of a circus troupe. Alas, at 23 he died of tuberculosis.

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6. Bernard Coyne (2.54 m)

Bernard received from life a complete list of the standard problems of giants, combined with infantilism and delayed development. Because of this, he did not have a career in the army, which he dreamed to the last. A diseased liver caused his death at only 23 years old.

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5. Leonid Stadnik (2.57 m)

The Ukrainian youth began to grow up after an unsuccessful brain surgery. He did not want to officially record his height and hid from excessive attention. Leonidas continued to grow until he was 45, when he died due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Most likely, at this time its growth was already much more than the recorded one.

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4. John Carroll (2.63 m)

Deviations in the American appeared later than in many other giants - after 16. The accelerated growth at this age instantly affected the joints and spine. The guy could hardly move and tried unsuccessfully to recover until he died at 36 years old.

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3. Joe Rogan (2.68 m)

Nobody knows the exact dates of Joe's life, but it was definitely the end of the nineteenth century and he lived for 40 years. At some point, a teenager from a family of former slaves began to grow rapidly. Due to a sore spine, he moved with support for half his life.

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2.Robert Pershing Wadlow (2.72 m)

Another American giant remained active and cheerful throughout his short life. He attended university and toured with the circus. But he died tragically at 22 due to infection of a wound rubbed with a crutch.

Robert Pershing Wadlow - Tallest People in the World

1. Fedor Makhnov (2.85 m)

Fedor was born into a family of ordinary peasants and early began to stand out among adolescents, but his short life was quite successful. From his youth, he traveled with circus tours around the world, later - he returned home and got a wife. At 34, he died of pneumonia.

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