Diseases of strawberries: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

Diseases of strawberries: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

On the way between you and the fragrant harvest of ripe strawberries, diseases regularly arise. Most often these are fungal infections that appear due to improper care, bad weather, pests or other plants. But the entire plantation can die in a matter of weeks! It is better to meet the problem fully armed, so we have already prepared descriptions of diseases with photographs and found out the methods of treatment!

1. Anthracnose

A dangerous fungus affects the entire strawberry plantation and other crops in the neighborhood. For him, rainy but warm spring days are very favorable. Brown cracking spots appear on the leaves, ulcers appear on the shoots, the roots rot, and the fruits are covered with dark spots and mummified.

The fungus is very resistant to drugs, so prevention is in the foreground. Maintain the distance between the beds, apply immunomodulating fertilizing on time, spray strawberries with Bordeaux liquid or sulfur-based preparations twice before the ovaries appear. For treatment, fungicides are used, such as Metaxil, Antracol or Quadris.

Anthracnose - Diseases of strawberries, description with photos and treatment

2. Fusarium

For a month and a half, the diseased plant gradually withers and completely dies. During this time, it affects other strawberry beds, berry bushes and garden crops.

It is important to process all the seed, plant only healthy seedlings, and add potassium and lime on time. To treat the disease, use Fundazol, Benorad, Nitrofen and similar drugs.

Fusarium - Diseases of strawberries, description with photos and treatment

Diseases of the currant: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

3. Rhizoctonia

It is a common harmful fungus that is carried in almost every possible way. It affects the root system, due to which the bushes stop growing, the lower leaves darken, and individual shoots turn black and die off. For prevention, the most important thing is to maintain the immunity of strawberries.

Be sure to process the roots before planting, adhere to the principles of crop rotation, choose flat sunny areas for strawberry beds. Avoid potatoes and don't use potato compost. Before planting seedlings, treat the area with Gamair, Extrasol or similar preparations.

Rhizoctonia - Diseases of strawberries, description with photos and treatment

4. White rot

The fungus outwardly resembles ordinary mold, because the berries are covered with fine whitish fluff. It affects almost all berry crops, but especially strawberries and strawberries. It is of fundamental importance to immediately cut and destroy all affected plants.

Be sure to treat the seed with antiseptics and plant only healthy shoots. Maintain the distance between the beds so that there is always an influx of fresh air. Use specialized chemicals like Derozal for treatment.

White rot - Diseases of strawberries, description with photos and treatment

Cherry diseases: descriptions with photos and methods of treatment

5. Late blight

This disease is detrimental, first of all, for the root system, and it is carried along with the seedlings. First, the lower leaves wither, then the strawberry bush begins to turn brown from the bottom up from the very root. At the very end, young and weak shoots darken and die.

Change the place of planting strawberries, do not plant them in the beds after potatoes and do not compact the plantation. Treat seedlings with Fundazol, Fitosporin, Trichodermin or their analogues. For the treatment of the disease, more severe drugs are needed - Ridomil, Quadris, Profit and others.

Late blight - Diseases of strawberries, description with photos and treatment

6. White spot

It is very easy to identify the disease by the appearance of characteristic white spots with a dark, brownish-purple edging. A little later, cracks and holes appear in their places. The disease manifests itself towards the end of summer or autumn and affects various garden and ornamental crops.

For prophylaxis, treat the strawberries with medicinal preparations several times at weekly intervals until the ovary appears. Use Bordeaux liquid before flowering and after harvest. For treatment, you need specialized chemicals - Falcon, Switch and others.

White spot - Diseases of strawberries, description with photos and treatment

Why strawberry leaves turn yellow and dry

7. Gray rot

Although many fungi are called "rot" in one word, their pathogens are completely different. This one, for example, prefers cool, windy and rainy days. At this time, the leaves dry out, and the berries darken and are completely covered with gray down-mycelium literally in a couple of days.

Do not over-thicken the landings - there must be a distance for ventilation. Observe the crop rotation and change the place of planting strawberries every couple of years. When it rains, cover the plantation with foil, and in case of infection, immediately treat with Bordeaux liquid, Derozal, Topsin M or similar fungicides.

Gray rot - Diseases of strawberries, description with photos and treatment

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