Fungicide Skor: description, instructions for use

Fungicide Skor: description, instructions for use

For trees, bushes and flowers to grow healthy, and the harvest is always generous, you need to take care of planting all season. And preventive treatment with fungicide Skor is included in the schedule of procedures! We have carefully studied its description, and now we are ready to tell you why it is so good and share the instructions for use!

How the fungicide works

Bottles of different sizes contain a liquid concentrate with a high content of difenoconazole. It destroys fungus, helps prevent disease and is used when processing seed before planting or storage.

To penetrate into the structure of the plant, the agent needs several hours - and it immediately blocks the development and vital activity of pathogens. It is important to be in time before the start of active processes, because Speed ​​has almost no effect on the formation of spores. After seed treatment, protective substances remain under the shell and protect the sprouts after germination.

The principle of action of the fungicide Skor

Scor application

Fungicide Skor is good for its broad prophylactic action against Alternaria, powdery mildew, spots and rot. A universal preparation on the root suppresses the generation of powdery mildew and scab. In the fight against coccomycosis and the ubiquitous curliness, its rates are also high.

Vegetables, fruits, roots, berries, vineyards, flowers and ornamental plants are processed quickly. It even increases yields and has a good immunomodulatory effect, so that the seedlings begin to grow leaves faster. Seeds are stored better and germinate just as efficiently - more evenly, and faster by 1-2 days.

Application of fungicide Skor

Fungicide Fundazol: description, instructions for use


Skor is an effective systemic agent with a prolonged protective effect. It helps to get a healthy harvest and has a beneficial effect on the quality and shelf life of the fruit. In the case of root crops, even losses during automatic harvesting are reduced.

For fruit crops, Skor is the most effective chemical against scab. It is safe for plants at all stages of development, including budding, flowering and fruiting. For vineyards, it is the best preparation for preventing black rot.

Benefits of the fungicide Skor


Like most active fungicides, Skor is quite toxic, therefore, upon contact, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It tends to accumulate in the soil and should not be sprayed with an aerial method. It is not recommended to use it near fish ponds.

The agent must be alternated with other fungicides, because with frequent treatments, some fungi show resistance. The speed is not effective if the disease has already begun to spread and new spores appear in the myceliums - it is rather a prophylactic agent.

Disadvantages of the fungicide Skor

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Skor dosage

Skor consumption averages about 300-500 ml per hectare. Liquid consumption varies from 200 to 1000 liters for vegetables, fruit, berry crops and grapes. For ornamental plants, 2 ml is enough for 100 squares. Treat twice, and for flowers and vineyards - three times, but no more than 4 times. Maintain breaks of 10-12 days and do not spray seedlings 3 weeks before harvest.

Dosage of fungicide Skor

Preparation of fungicide solution

A whitish, cloudy solution of the drug should be used during the day. When the fungicide is combined with other drugs, this period is reduced to several hours. When working, be sure to protect your skin, head and use a respirator. Scor is non-toxic to plants, birds and earthworms if the dosage is observed.

To prepare the solution, you need barely warm water at room temperature. Use a container or potting syringe. Keep in mind that Skor has a fairly high flow rate, and it will be most effective at a temperature of 14-25 degrees.

Preparation of a solution of fungicide Skor

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