How to clean a silver chain at home: 10 effective ways

How to clean a silver chain at home: 10 effective ways

Silver chains are versatile pieces of jewelry that fit any occasion. Their sophistication and cold shine attract many connoisseurs of jewelry beauty. But what if the metal suddenly began to lose its luster or dark spots appeared on it? How to clean a silver chain at home? We will share the 10 most effective ways!

1. Milk

The acid contained in this product removes plaque well from the coating and restores its original shine to the jewelry. For a better effect, boil the chain in milk, and kefir or ordinary homemade yogurt are also suitable for wiping.

Titanium dioxide can be found in some store drinks. It is a harmless white dye that, when combined with lactic acid, is even better at fighting stains.

Milk - How to clean a silver chain at home

2. Potatoes

Boil vegetables in a peel, pour the resulting concentrate into any vessel and let it cool. Then place the silver chain in the liquid for a couple of hours. If you don't really want to wait, put a piece of foil on the bottom of the container. It will significantly speed up the reaction, and you will get the result in 20 minutes.

The second option is to cut the raw potato in half and gently rub it over the silver. Or grind the vegetable with a grater and hold the product in this gruel until it darkens.

Was there starch at hand? Add 4 tablespoons of powder per liter of cold water and leave the chain in this solution for 1-3 hours, depending on the degree of darkening of the links.

Potatoes - How to peel a silver chain at home

3. Chalk and ammonia

Pour in 250 ml of water, add half a teaspoon of alcohol. Then pour crushed chalk into the resulting liquid to make a thick ointment. Brush the silver chain gently with it. After the end of the procedure, wash off the remnants of the gruel with warm water.

If the plaque is not very strong, dry cleaning is suitable. Take a small, lint-free piece of cloth, place the chain on top of it, and sprinkle the top with chalk. Having wrapped the flap, rub the silver with gentle movements for 5-7 minutes, and then blow off or brush away the rest of the powder. Laundry soap can also be used in place of chalk.

Chalk and ammonia - How to clean a silver chain at home

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4. Stationery eraser

This cleaning method is suitable for chains with large links without fine or delicate weaving. The smoother the surface of the suspension, the easier it will be to wipe it with an eraser.

The eraser is ideal for cleaning or lightening small areas of jewelry or getting rid of dotted spots. It is important to use the soft side of the clerical assistant, as the rough side can ruin the veneer, leaving scratches.

Stationery eraser - How to clean a silver chain at home

5. Olive oil

You will need a small piece of cloth (microfiber is better). Soak the tip in oil, then rub the links of the silver chain with it until a shine appears. To get rid of fat later, rinse the jewelry in soapy water and dry it by weight.

An alternative is lemon juice. Take half a cup of citrus drink and add a teaspoon of olive oil to it. Polish your jewelry with this concentrate and a thick napkin, then rinse it in plain water.

Olive Oil - How To Clean A Silver Chain At Home

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6. Soda

Coca-Cola, Sprite, or Pepsi work best. For a gentler cleaning method, leave the silver chain in the glass of your drink for the whole day. It will whiten contaminated areas and get rid of even stubborn plaque.

If there is not much time and you need to clean the jewelry quickly, boil the silver in soda for 7-10 minutes, and then rinse it with tap water. Important: do not leave metal in boiling sweet drink for longer than the specified time, otherwise there is a risk of ruining the coating.

Soda - How to clean a silver chain at home

7. Ash

If the contamination is insignificant, it is enough to sprinkle the ash on the cloth, put a chain on top and wrap the flap.Leave the garment as it is overnight, and in the morning, wipe the links with a cloth dampened with soapy water to remove the odor.

For more stubborn plaque, prepare a thick ointment from ash and water. It is important that the ash is free of impurities, dissolves well and does not include abrasive lumps that can scratch the silver coating. Rub the surface with gentle movements using the resulting composition.

Ashes - How to clean a silver chain at home

8. Lipstick

Can a silver chain be cleaned at home with cosmetics? Yes! The fat contained in lipstick will do an excellent job of this. It will also hide small cracks in the surface. Using a cotton swab, apply the product to the decoration and rub until you hear a creak.

By the way, the same titanium dioxide is added to many types of lipsticks (see point # 1). Thanks to this component, you can not only wipe away stains and plaque, but also lighten the silver, returning it to its original shine.

Lipstick - How to clean a silver chain at home

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9. Tooth powder

Take an old or new but soft toothbrush and moisten it. Take up a small amount of non-abrasive tooth powder (usually the abrasive particles differ in color from the bulk). Rub the links of the silver chain thoroughly and then remove the remaining ointment with a cloth or napkin. If that doesn't work, add a couple of drops of ammonia, or replace the powder with baking soda or whitening toothpaste.

Tooth powder - How to clean a silver chain at home

10. Egg yolk

Put the yolk on a silver chain and let it dry. Then rinse the accessory under running water. If the dirt is heavily eaten, add jelly water to the yolk. This method is also good in that it protects the coating from oxides that are destructive for it for a long time. As a result, silver stays shiny and light longer.

Egg yolk - How to clean a silver chain at home

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