Indoor palms: photos and names (catalog)

Indoor palms: photos and names (catalog)

If you've been dreaming of a tropical paradise at home for a long time, why not start bringing your idea to life? Moreover, we have collected a large selection of varieties of indoor palm trees for every taste and color. You can consider that this is the very sign of fate!

1. Date palm

One of the most popular types for the room. She is extremely unpretentious and easily adapts to any conditions, but grows quickly, so get ready to allocate more space for her.

Date palm

2. Areca

This palm tree lacks one massive trunk, and it grows in the form of large erect shoots with feathery leaves. An adult areca can easily stretch up to several meters in good light.


3. Washingtonia

Spectacular fan washingtonia, with its impressive appearance, is not at all capricious. She does not tolerate transplants well, so it is better not to frequent them with them.


4. Coconut tree

This tropical guest is accustomed to living on a hot coast, so she definitely needs warmth, a lot of light and humidity. We recommend placing the flowerpot near the southern windows and turning it periodically.

Coconut palm

5. North American palm

Beautiful massive leaves grow like fans in all directions. It is interesting that old dry leaves do not fall off, but gradually fall down with a kind of "beard".

North American palm

6. Brachea

The brachea has a bare trunk and large fan-shaped leaves, raised upward. Naturally, it grows in the dry regions of Mexico, so it easily tolerates drought.


7. Likyala

One of the most unusual and rare indoor palms, it boasts unique pleated leaves. Moreover, they can grow really gigantic, although the licual itself is not too tall, even in nature.


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8. Butea

An interesting trunk appearance is formed due to the fact that old leaves fall off and form seals. It is interesting that the petioles of the butia leaves are covered with small thorns.


9. Hovea

Hovea is good because it feels great when there is a lack of sunlight. It also doesn't grow too fast, unlike most indoor palms.


10. Zamia

Although zamia belongs to a small family of the same name, it is often called a palm tree. Depending on the variety, it has very original oval or lanceolate leaves.


11. Trachikarpus

A rare inhabitant of warm regions, which normally tolerates low temperatures. Trachikarpus loves fresh air, abundant watering, takes root well and grows quickly.


12. Pandanus

Pandanus easily adapts to any environment, both in nature and in the apartment. Depending on the variety, it resembles a tree palm or rosette shrub.


13. Rapis

Rapis can be recognized by its fairly wide leaves with distinct stripes. This palm tree easily tolerates temporary drought, but does not like direct sunlight.


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14. Gioforba

Gioforba has a very interesting smooth trunk with a thickening in the middle. In the warm season, this palm tree definitely needs bright diffused lighting, regular spraying and periodic warm baths.


15. Date of Robelena

This vibrant variety of date palms is considered one of the most decorative. But at the same time, it is very demanding on temperature and humidity. But it is completely unpretentious to the amount of lighting.

Date Robelena

16. Ropalostilis

Ropalostilis has a graceful thin trunk and long beautiful leaves. In nature, he is a real giant, so only young specimens grow at home.


17. Hamedorea

An ideal choice for ordinary city apartments, because it does not grow too quickly and prefers neutral average conditions. Average temperature, average humidity and average lighting.


18. Brigamia

For its fantastic appearance, it is also called a volcano palm. The top of the bluish fleshy trunk diverges with a lush cap of elongated oval leaves.



The fan-shaped hamerops loves warmth and fresh air, so you will have to ventilate the room at any time of the year. He is quite moody about everything from soil composition to water quality. But very good!


The most useful indoor plants: names and photos (catalog)

20. Ciagrus Weddel

The closest relative of the coconut palm harmoniously fits into any interior. But Siagrus is fundamentally important for high humidity and a stable temperature above +20 degrees.

Ciagrus Weddel

21. Cariota

This is an Asian curiosity that at first glance does not even look too much like a palm tree. Kariota adores bright sun and does not tolerate a lack of moisture in the soil and air.


22. Cryosophila

It is difficult to find and propagate a Spanish beauty, but then it is almost impossible to harm her. It feels great even in dry, dark rooms.


23. Tsikas

An adult cicada resembles a pineapple with its barrel-barrel and leaves spreading to the sides. Please note that this palm is very sensitive to temperature extremes and needs additional feeding.



The main thing here is in no case to fill the flowerpot, because otherwise the plant may die. Sabal is very sensitive to feeding, so do not forget about them.


25. Livistona

A compact graceful palm tree actively grows leaves if you provide it with enough light. But watch out for moisture, otherwise it quickly begins to wither and dry.


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