5 best homemade sugaring pasta recipes

5 best homemade sugaring pasta recipes

Sugar is needed for sugaring - this is understandable and obvious. But what else to add to the sugar mass to get a good result without painful sensations and unwanted consequences? We found out all the secrets and collected for you the 5 best recipes for sugaring pasta at home!

1. Shugaring paste with lemon juice

In a good heavy-bottomed, refractory saucepan, combine 10 tablespoons of butter. sugar, juice of half a lemon and 4 tbsp. water. Boil it all over low heat, stirring continuously, until the paste changes color to a beautiful caramel.

Remove the pan, let the mixture cool and make sure it doesn't stick to your hands. Mash a piece of paste so that it lightens slightly, evenly distribute 5-8 cm over the skin area against hair growth. But they tear off the sugar paste by growth - in contrast to wax.

Shugaring paste with lemon juice - recipes at home

2. Paste for shugaring with citric acid

Acid is needed to make the paste more viscous, harden more slowly and, in general, be more convenient to work with. Mix 6 tablespoons in a saucepan. sugar, 2 tbsp. water and 0.5 tbsp. citric acid and stir.

Put the pot on the stove, warm it up slightly, turn it off and leave for a quarter of an hour, stirring every 2-3 minutes. After that, turn on the stove again and boil the caramel for 4 minutes on low heat. By the way, if you are uncomfortable tearing off the paste with your hands, use fabric strips.

Sugaring paste with citric acid - recipes at home

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3. Shugaring paste with honey

Honey gives the paste a more comfortable consistency, and the skin will then be even softer. Mix 10 tbsp. sugar, a quarter glass of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. honey and 1 tbsp. water. Bring the pasta to a boil and stir constantly so that it does not come in lumps and does not burn.

After boiling, cover the pan with a lid and remove from the stove, and after 10 minutes, return it back. Boil the pasta over low heat for about 15 minutes, so that it thickens and takes on a caramel shade. This recipe is good for sensitive skin.

Sugaring paste with honey - recipes at home

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4. Sugaring paste with vinegar

In this recipe, the acid is replaced by 6% apple cider vinegar, which is much more convenient for the summer. Lemon juice increases the skin's sensitivity to UV light and increases the risk of pigmentation. There is no such thing with vinegar.

Mix 12 tbsp. sugar, 4 tablespoons water and 2 tbsp. vinegar, boil until boiling over low heat. Continue cooking the pasta until tender, stirring constantly. It is convenient to check the consistency by dropping caramel into water - it should solidify. It is most convenient to store the finished paste in silicone molds.

Sugaring paste with vinegar - recipes at home

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5. Paste for shugaring in the microwave

Mix sugar, honey and lemon juice in a 4: 1: 1 ratio. Put the mixture in the microwave for 15 seconds at maximum power, remove, stir and put on again for the same time. Repeat until the paste is the correct caramel color and consistency.

To appreciate the stringiness, try spooning the mixture. It should have the consistency of liquid honey because it will still thicken as it cools. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator or in a cupboard and warmed up. For application, it is more convenient to take a flat stick or spatula.

Microwave shugaring paste - recipes at home

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