How to water an orchid at home

How to water an orchid at home

In order for a room orchid to please with lush and beautiful flowering, it is not enough just proper lighting or regular feeding. Watering the plant is fundamentally important, because such a special root system requires the same special approach. And we will tell you which one!

Irrigation water requirements

For watering, you definitely need warm water so that the orchid does not freeze. The optimum temperature is a few degrees above room temperature, but below 35 degrees. If you have several pots, be sure to change the basin after each one in case one of them is affected by fungus or disease.

Take filtered or well-settled soft water, otherwise tap salts will settle on the walls of the pot. Oxalic acid can be used to reduce the hardness: a teaspoon per 5 liters. A sure sign that the water is not suitable is yellowing of the leaves in the absence of other obvious reasons.

Water Requirements - How to Water an Orchid at Home

Watering frequency

Different varieties of orchids have different watering requirements, so be guided by the characteristics of your particular flower. There is no single scheme, because while some species love moisture, others prefer - so that the soil dries out almost to the end. To avoid overflow, arrange good drainage of foam or fine gravel at least 4 cm thick.

How often to water an orchid at home

When to water

An orchid is the flower that tolerates mild drought better than waterlogging. The easiest way to keep track of when it's time to water your orchid is in a clear plastic pot with drainage holes. If there is condensation on the walls, wait until it disappears, wait a couple more days, and water.

If the roots look healthy inside and have a bright green color, do nothing. And when the roots of the orchid become lighter or pale, it's time to water it. While the soil is dry on top, but the pot is still wet - spray the flower with a spray bottle.

When to water an orchid at home

How to transplant an orchid at home

How to properly water an orchid

Classic overhead watering from a bottle or watering can is not suitable for an orchid. Pour water into a deep basin so that it does not reach the edge of the pot by a few centimeters. Or place the orchid in an empty bowl and pour warm water on top of it until it rises to the same level. After 15-20 minutes, you can take out the pot and leave it to drain in the bathroom.

How to properly water an orchid at home

Orchid shower

About once a month, douche the orchid from the shower under a slight pressure at a temperature of 38-42 degrees. After half an hour, wipe the leaves, young shoots and the core of the outlet with a paper napkin. This procedure stimulates the growth and appearance of buds, and at the same time helps to get rid of the fungus and parasites.

Orchid shower - How to water an orchid at home

Spraying roots

Orchid is a rare flower that can be grown without soil in special blocks, and then the roots dry much faster. Use a spray bottle with a fine spray nozzle. When the roots turn pale, spray until a healthy green color is restored.

Root spraying - How to water an orchid at home

Dracaena: home care, reproduction and transplantation

Watering after purchase

A store orchid in peat or any other shipping soil can simply be watered from above. But do not tighten too much, otherwise the roots will quickly rot. It is important not to get on the leaves, peduncles, and especially on the growing point in the middle of the outlet. For the first 5-7 days, leave the flower in quarantine and do not water it at all to identify possible diseases and parasites.

How to water an orchid after purchase

Watering the orchid after transplanting

After transplanting an orchid into a special soil of fields, it immediately for the first time and then take a break for two weeks. During this time, it adapts to new conditions, because in a stressful situation, an excess of moisture is especially destructive. After that, switch to the standard mode for adult indoor flowers.

How to water an orchid after transplanting

Watering the orchid during flowering

The frequency of watering the orchid can be increased, but the most important thing is not to get water on the petals, otherwise they will rot and fall off.If the room is too dry and hot, gently spray the flowerpot, but take care of the middle of the flowers. Normally, water only the roots a few times a week when the soil dries up.

How to water an orchid during flowering

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How to water an orchid in summer

It is hot in summer, therefore, the frequency of watering the orchid should be increased in proportion to the temperature around. On average, this is about 2-3 times a week, but be guided by your variety and the condition of the soil. Make sure that the wet flower does not fall under the direct midday sun, because this is fraught with burns.

How to water an orchid in summer

How to water an orchid in winter

In winter, the orchid does not hibernate and can even bloom actively, so you cannot completely stop watering it. Reduce the frequency to once every 1.5-2 weeks, but so that the soil does not dry out too much. Be sure to leave the orchid to drain well, because in winter, an excess of moisture is a sure way not only to rotting, but also to hypothermia. If you send a flower to the shower, leave it in the bathroom overnight so that there is no sharp temperature drop.

How to water an orchid in winter

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