The meaning of the name Mary: character and fate

The meaning of the name Mary: character and fate

Masha, Mary and Mary are the most common names in the world, because they are found in the Old Testament. Catholics have it, in all European languages ​​and in different cultures. But what actually hides in its meaning? What character is characteristic of Mary and what fate awaits her? We have already learned everything and are sharing!

Origin and what does the name Mary mean

The Hebrew name Mary or Miriam has a truly biblical origin. Its variations exist, it seems, in all languages ​​of the world, because it was Mary who became the mother of Christ. It translates literally as "desired" or "beloved", and also "bitter" and "sad" - all this is closely intertwined into one image.

The character of Mary

In her studies and work, Maria is very responsible and serious, but in her personal life she is quite impulsive and can act thoughtlessly. But Masha has an amazing talent to steadfastly endure any defeats and failures - they do not unsettle her at all.


Unlimited decency and honesty are the main virtues of Mary, along with her ability to love and empathize. Gentleness and soulfulness are combined with firmness of character in fundamentally important issues. If a person is in trouble, Masha will definitely rush to his aid.


Sometimes Maria becomes too withdrawn and it is difficult for her to ask for help for herself, because she is used to relying only on her own strength. She becomes too vulnerable and stubborn, violently expressing discontent and disagreement.

Character - The meaning of the name Mary

Maria in everyday life

In life, Masha is always hardworking, friendly and kind to everyone around her. Even if at first glance she seems too strict and serious, behind this is a subtle inner world and soulfulness.


Little Mashenka is a very kind and calm girl, but she knows how to stand up for herself and show character. From an early age, she happily helps her mother with the housework and wants to grow up as soon as possible. She enjoys learning poetry, songs and dances, loves active games and big companies. At the same time, she is suspicious and can offend her with a random word.


As Masha gets older, she enjoys babysitting with little siblings. She is very attentive and caring, so you can safely leave her with the kids. She studies just as seriously and responsibly, but she hardly experiences comments.

As she grows up, Masha shrinks her social circle and prefers the company of several trusted friends. She sharpens a sense of justice in relation to others, but she demands the same for herself. Classmates usually love her for her friendliness, empathy and willingness to help.


Adult Masha is focused on family and close social circle - for the sake of them she is ready for anything. This is the best wife, mother and friend, but sometimes the tendency to self-sacrifice and the desire to save become excessive. The intuition and abilities of a psychologist are manifested, regardless of education and field of activity. It is believed that Mary has supernatural abilities, she just too often does not want to develop them.

Adulthood - The meaning of the name Mary

The meaning of the name Anastasia: character and fate

The meaning of love for Mary

Maria is warm, attentive and affectionate to all close people, so she will become an excellent mother and wife. She is loyal to her chosen one and is ready to follow him anywhere. In the family for Masha, children are very important, and it is to them that she devotes all her time.

Masha has a hard time going through intra-family conflicts and will never be able to internally forgive betrayal. Best of all, Maria develops relations with Anatoly, Victor, Alexander, Valentin and Eugene. It will be more difficult to find a common language with Vyacheslav, Eduard, Kirill and Boris.

The meaning of money for Mary

Material well-being is not in the foreground of Mary, but at the same time she stands firmly on her feet.Masha knows how to accumulate and manage money, regardless of its amount. She is absolutely not envious of other people's achievements and rather empathizes with other people's failures.

Career value for Mary

Maria is the harmony between everyday pragmatism and the sublime spiritual aspect. She loves creativity and intellectual work, but achieves success through hard work, and not abstract inspiration and luck.

Masha is an excellent teacher, physician, culturologist or art worker, because she is ideally given professions where it is necessary to combine sincerity and severity. At the same time, she is very independent and from her youth she knows how to overcome any troubles herself. So she is not afraid of more mundane professions, where you need to work hard.

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Birthday of Mary

According to the Orthodox calendar, Mary's name day is celebrated on January 8, but that's not all. Later, April 14 is the day of St. Mary of Egypt, who for 48 years lived in prayers in the Jordanian desert. And on September 21 - the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and the harvest festival, on which the fire in the huts was necessarily renewed.

Birthday of Mary

Lucky number of Mary

The four is a symbol of stability, reliability and good quality, just like the square that it symbolizes. It is also the number of the name Maria, and its best characteristic. The 4 is rational, focused on facts and figures instead of intuition or fantasy.

Talismans for Mary

The patron planet of Mary is Uranus, the zodiac sign is Virgo, and the totem animal is the dove of peace. The talisman stone is a diamond, the color is smoky-gray, and the plants are cornflower and birch.

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Horoscope named Maria

Maria-Aries is impulsive, impetuous, sincere, but slightly incoherent and fickle. Taurus is characterized by firmness and decisiveness, combined with amazing equanimity. Gemini are energetic, sociable, and gravitate towards the spiritual instead of the material.

Maria-Cancer is timid, shy and silent, but with amazing imagination and fireworks of ideas. Leo is characterized by expressiveness, enthusiasm and scope, while Virgo is cautious, patient and systematic. Libra is elegant, diplomatic and utterly correct, while Scorpios are sensual, artistic, but categorical.

Maria Sagittarius is prone to adventures, hates restrictions and loves risk. Capricorns are stubborn, demanding, but very hardy and independent, and Aquarius are extremely correct, but as if cut off from the world. Pisces are suspicious and touchy, but very subtle, with a rich inner world.

Famous bearers of the name Maria

The name Mary was borne by countless outstanding women - from the Blessed Virgin and the mother of Jesus to Maria Romanova, Maria de Medici, Maria Volkonskaya and Maria Stuart. Marlene Dietrich is also née Maria, and with her actresses Maria Mironova and Maria Ermolova. We must not forget about the scientist Maria Sklodowska-Curie, the officer Maria Bochkareva and the opera singer Maria Biesu.

Famous bearers of the name Maria

the beauty

home and family
