How to gain weight quickly and safely: 8 ways

How to gain weight quickly and safely: 8 ways

While almost everyone dreams of losing extra pounds, being too thin is also fraught with unpleasant consequences. It's just that its complexities are discussed much less often. But this is constant weakness, impaired metabolism, problem skin and even anemia. Correcting the situation is sometimes much more difficult than losing weight. This is why we share 8 effective ways to gain weight fast at home!

1. More healthy calories

To gain weight, you also need to calculate your daily calorie intake and add about 200 more per day to it. But you do not need to increase more, because you need muscles, not extra body fat!

More Healthy Calories - How to Gain Weight Fast and Safe

2. Fractional nutrition

Often people who are used to eating 1-2 times a day suffer from underweight. Try to gradually increase the number of meals by at least 4-5 times by adding snacks.

Fractional Nutrition - How to Gain Weight Fast and Safe

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3. Protein

To gain and maintain weight, you need to consume about 1.6-1.8 g of protein per 1 kg of your weight per day. Add milk and dairy products, cheeses, eggs, chicken breast, legumes, nuts, fish and brown rice to the diet. Protein is especially good for dinner.

Protein - How to Gain Weight Fast and Safe

4. Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are richer and richer in micronutrients. Replace white rice with brown rice, eat oatmeal, whole grain bread, potatoes with vegetables, and berries with fruits. Best for breakfast!

Complex Carbs - How to Gain Weight Fast and Safe

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5. Fiber

For every thousand calories, you need about 10-15 grams of fiber, which cleanses the body and stabilizes sugar and cholesterol levels. Just add bran, seeds and seeds to your food, eat whole grains and lots of greens.

Fiber - How to Gain Weight Fast and Safe

6. Fats

For 1 kg of your weight, you need about 1-1.5 g of healthy fats to gain mass. But keep in mind that these are not fatty fries and pies, but avocados, cheeses, yoghurts, cocoa, fatty cottage cheese. We recommend replacing sunflower oil with olive, linseed or corn oil.

Fat - How to Gain Weight Fast and Safe

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7. Sleep

It is impossible to stabilize metabolic processes in the body without establishing sleep. Go to bed on time, rest the prescribed 8 hours, be sure to ventilate the room at night and sleep in the dark. Give up your computer and smartphone a couple of hours before bed.

Sleep - How to Gain Weight Fast and Safe

8. Strength training

For weight gain, there is nothing better than strength training, because it is they that are focused on the development of muscle mass. It is most effective to work in the gym, but for the first times, be sure to take a coach in order to draw up an optimal program, build a technique and not damage yourself. But don't get carried away - 3-4 times a week is enough, and periodically dilute power cardio, dancing, stretching or yoga.

Strength Training - How to Gain Weight Fast and Safe

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